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2016 Warmblood Stallion

American Warmblood Society Registry Stallion
Oldenburg Registry of North America Stallion
Westfalen Registry of North America
SBS Studbook Stallion registry
American Warmblood Registry
Sporthorse Registry of North America
Zangersheide Registry Stallion
Anglo European Studbook

Home of 

2016 Warmblood Stallion

Oldenburg Registry of North America Stallion
American Warmblood Society Registry Stallion
Anglo European Studbook
Zangersheide Registry Stallion
Sporthorse Registry of North America
SBS Studbook Stallion registry
Westfalen Registry of North America
American Warmblood Registry
David Brown and Billy Echo of Last Laugh Farm
last laugh farm breeding quality sporthorses
David and Ellen brown of Last Laugh Farm

Contact Us at
Last Laugh Farm

A Quality Choice for Sporthorse Breeding

Located in Grantville, Pennsylvania, David & Ellen Brown have been successfully matching proven Thoroughbred dams with traditional European Warmblood sires for nearly 20 years. Their dedication to the traditions which make the horse a noble animal has allowed them to produce quality sporthorses with excellent temperaments, talent, and heart; creating a lasting legacy within the community.

 Last Laugh Farm is proud to present Billy Echo, LLF a Warmblood stallion with seven registries and an outstanding European pedigree.

gorgeous hunter jumper stallion
David Brown and Laugh Last Farm breeding quality sporthorses

2016 Warmblood Stallion

American Warmblood Society Registry Stallion
Oldenburg Registry of North America Stallion
Westfalen Registry of North America
SBS Studbook Stallion registry
American Warmblood Registry
Sporthorse Registry of North America
Zangersheide Registry Stallion
Anglo European Studbook

If you are interested in Billy Echo, LLF as a breeding stallion, please send a message or contact directly: 

David & Ellen Brown
Grantville, PA